Package Management

Termux uses apt and dpkg for package management, similar to Ubuntu or Debian.


Termux does not support use of packages from the Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distribution repositories. For this reason do not attempt put these ones into your sources.list or manually installing their .deb files. See Differences from Linux to learn why.

Additional restrictions:

  • Only single architecture is supported at the moment. You can't have both 64 and 32 bit packages installed at the same time.
  • Apt usage under root is restricted to prevent messing up ownership and SELinux labels on Android /data partition.
  • Downgrading is not supported. In order to reclaim disk space, we do not keep history of package versions.

Using the package manager

We strongly recommend to use a pkg utility instead of apt directly. It is a wrapper that performs a number of tasks:

  • Provides command shortcuts. Use pkg in instead of pkg install or apt install.
  • Automatically runs apt update before installing a package if necessary.
  • Performs some client side repository load-balancing by automatically switching mirrors on a regular basis. That is important to prevent us hitting quota limit on hosting.

Installing a new package:

$ pkg install package-name

It is highly recommended to upgrade existing packages before installing the new one. You can install updates by running this command:

$ pkg upgrade

Additionally, we suggesting to check for updates at least once a week. Otherwise there is a certain risk that during package installation or upgrade you will encounter issues.

Removing the installed package:

$ pkg uninstall package-name

This will remove package but modified configuration files will be left intact. If you want to remove them, use apt purge instead.

See below for additional supported commands:

pkg autocleanRemove outdated .deb files from the cache.
pkg cleanRemove all .deb files from the cache.
pkg files <package>List files installed by specified package.
pkg list-allList all available packages.
pkg list-installedList currently installed packages.
pkg reinstall <package>Re-install specified package.
pkg search <query>Search package by query.
pkg show <package>Show information about specific package.

Official repositories

The main Termux repository is accessible through

We have some optional repositories which provide content on specific topic and can be enabled by installing packages with name ending in -repo.

List of current optional repositories:

RepositoryCommand to subscribe to repository
termux-root-packagespkg install root-repo
x11-packages (Android 7+ only)pkg install x11-repo
unstable-packages (Android 7+ only)pkg install unstable-repo

Packages for our official repositories are built from scripts located in and are maintained and signed by member of the Termux developer team. Public keys for verifying signatures are provided in package termux-keyring. For more information about how the repositories are signed, see termux-keyring.

The mirrors of Termux apt repositories are available. See up-to-date information about them on Github.

You can pick a mirror by using utility termux-change-repo.

Community repositories

In addition to the official repositories, there are repositories hosted by community members. You are welcome to host own Termux repository too.

You can create own repository by using termux-apt-repo from the command line and Github Pages as hosting. Be aware that Github has a strict limit of 100 MB per file and if your repository exceeds total size of 1 GB, you might receive a polite email from GitHub Support requesting that you reduce the size of the repository. So if you have really big packages you may want to use a different hostings. Choose hostings according to filetypes, for example, videos can be hosted at or similar.

By its-pointless

Repository of this community member includes gcc, gfortran, octave, r-cran (R language), scipy and lots of games!

To add this repository, execute:

$ curl -LO | bash
$ apt update

The script essentially installs gnupg on your device, downloads and adds a public key to your apt keychain ensuring that all subsequent downloads are from the same source.

Package requests

Packages can be requested at Note that your opened issue with request can be moved to another repository, like termux-root-packages or x11-packages if it is not suitable for the main repository.

Please ensure that you have read our Packaging Policy.

Other package managers

Some programming languages have their own package managers. We tend not to package things installable with this ones due to issues when cross-compiling them in our build environment.

See Also